Sunday 29 December 2013

Filming Update #2

Filming Update

Due to our other commitments, as a group, we have found that we have been slow in filming our opening scene. It has been difficult for us to find full days in which we would be able to film entire scenes in certain locations and get the majority of filming done. Due to school and work, we have found that the only free day Christie – our main antagonist has is Saturday, meaning little filming can be done without her, however we have had difficulties in all being able to make Saturday each week. We hadn’t really given it much thought, and although we had already exceeded our deadline, we assumed we would be able to manage in the Christmas holidays as we’d have much more free time. Unfortunately, this hasn’t been the case and we have struggled to find time in which we are all free, despite our schedule. 

When we came to filming today – 28th December, we came across a huge dilemma. We had planned to film scenes 9 and 11, which consist of Christie running/returning home however due to the long period in which we had left between filming the beginning scenes of Christie leaving the house, the background had completely changed. Once realising what a stupid and obvious mistake we had make, we were stuck because time was running out due to our other commitments, and the harsh reality of winter gave us few light hours left in the day. We came to the conclusion that we would painstakingly have to re-film and re-edit the entire opening scenes with Christie leaving the house, and the ending scenes with her returning home in order to ensure the same mistake would not be repeated if we left them to do on separate days.

Despite this setback, we found that we worked really well today. As we had already filmed and edited the opening scenes, we were familiar with which camera angles worked well and which didn’t. We were also able to remember the sequence in which we had used the different angles meaning that filming was easier than before, and took little time. As we knew what we were doing, we found filming much less stressful than usual and enjoyed it even though we were annoyed at ourselves. Although we hadn’t filmed the returning home scenes, we found that it was easier than we expected because we had basically just filmed the same thing in the other direction, and we were already in the correct location. This benefited us as we were able to be sure of which camera angles we had and hadn’t included and were able to make sure we tried to include them this time, in the hope to give our opening more dimension and substance. 

Overall, we have learnt that we need to plan a lot more than we thought. We discovered that planning makes the filming so much easier, more fun and not to mention, saves time which is something we would all benefit from. While it was something that could have and should have been avoided, we are pleased with how it went, and although the setting is not as picturesque as before, we hope the outcome will be just as good. Having filmed this, all we have left to film is the protagonist scenes in which we plan to get done soon.

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