Tuesday 21 January 2014

Sountrack Research #3


This song by Robokids called Kids is another catchy tune which we could intertwine with the running scenes. We were thinking about portraying the use of music we use as coming through Christie's headphones while she is running for two different purposes. Firstly it is very stereotypical for teenagers to be associated with music and headphones, suggesting they are either rude and unsociable or in a world of their own. As mentioned previously, following the stereotypes is something we aim to do as we know it has been successful in the past. Secondly, it will help add to the plot and build the tension, helping the audience to understand as it provides a sense of realism, as well as suggesting that something bad may happen due to Christie's obliviousness. This song although non-copyright, it may be recognisable to the audience which would help to get them involved, and possibly increase their enjoyment.  Not only does it start upbeat (which is something we wanted as it is the typical type of music listened to while running due to the motivation/feel good factor) it also eventually decreases, which could be a good indicator of the following plot and act as a transition into the next scene. The idea of the fun, upbeat music is still up in the air at the moment because we are undecided whether it would work successfully and aid the audience with their understanding in the way we would like, or just look like we have incorporated music when it is unnecessary. We understand that the typical viewer - aged 15-24 will most probably not take media studies and so not recognise the themes and ideas we are trying to project through the subtle clues which is why we are unsure. Despite this we have gained some ideas from these two compositions and will definitely consider them if we decide to include that sort of music. 

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