Saturday 15 February 2014

Titles Analysis

World War Z Opening Credits

We used World War Z in order to give us inspiration for our own opening credits. We were unsure of the less obvious credits, such as the costume designer or visual effects, so decided to watch a successful opening scene in order to gain some information. We decided to use the majority of World War Z's credits as we know that it has been a successful film and so thought it would be an adequate opening to gain some prompts from. Similarly, we wanted to follow our theme of sticking to the stereotypes and so thought it would be best to use the typical credits in order to help make it as realistic as possible.

Although we found World War Z useful in helping us to gain some ideas, we decided that the way they were displayed was not appropriate for our opening two minutes. This is partly due to the different genre which is shown through the movement of the titles, as well as their positioning on the screen. Due to it being a more modern, fantasy/fiction based film we thought the credits worked very well for its genre as the movement and positioning helped to add to the fantasy feel, however this was not helpful for our genres. The typography was more appropriate to our film as it is quite plain and simple, however it is slightly too thick for our liking. Despite this, we took inspiration from the positioning of the words in comparison to each other, for example the 'and' and 'present' in 'Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions present'. In addition to this, we also liked how the some of the lettering is smaller than the rest as it helps to highlight the important factors and is something we wish to use in our owning two minutes.

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