Saturday 15 February 2014

Titles Analysis

Dead Man Walking Opening Credits

We used the opening credits of Dead Man Walking as inspiration for our font. We chose Dead Man Walking because of its similar genres, and despite it being quite dated as it was produced in 1995, we thought it would be a suitable film to take inspiration from because of the plain, classy font it used. Unfortunately I was unable to locate a video of the opening credits, however this picture is an example of the size, font and location of their credits. As a group, we all felt that the sit ironing of the titles worked effectively in the middle of the screen as it is very clear and simplistic however it adds a sense of maturity to the film. Similarly, we also liked the type of font as it is very plain but we thought it looked quite classy and appropriate for our genres. The only difference between our proposed font and this is that we have combined the inspiration we gained from this with the inspiration we gained from the opening credits of World War Z, and have decided to display the less important worlds such as 'and' and 'presents' in a smaller font in order to make it more eye catching.

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