Wednesday 13 November 2013

Planning and Research - Questionnaire

We have created a questionnaire in order to find out what people expect from a film in order to help us with our research and planning. We decided to give choices for the questions in order to limit the number of different responses we received, so that we were able to narrow down our creative choices. From this questionnaire, we are hoping to learn more about our target audience and what they enjoy so we can take their preferences into consideration and work to incorporate them into our opening two minutes.

1.     What is your preferred genre?

a)      Action
b)      Thriller
c)       Crime

2.     How often would you say you go to the cinema?

a)      Once a week
b)      Twice a week
c)       Once a month
d)      Six times a year
e)      Other

3.     What type of location do you prefer?

a)      Iconic buildings
b)      Iconic landscapes
c)       Unique/small scale landscapes
d)      Breath taking scenery
e)      Urban areas
f)       Other

4.     What is the most important aspect to a film?

a)      Characters
b)      Location
c)       Plot
d)      Music
e)      Actors
f)       Other

5.     What do you expect to take away with you from a film?

a)      Profound moral messages
b)      Enjoyable spectacles
c)       Inspiration to achieve greatness
d)      Jealousy for the life of the protagonist
e)      Other

6.     What do you spend the majority of your money on?

a)      Food/Drink
b)      Social Outings
c)       Work/school related
d)      Holidays
e)      Hobbies
f)       Necessities
g)      Other

7.     Do you prefer realism or surrealism?

a)      Realism
b)      Surrealism

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