Saturday 16 November 2013

Main Charcter Interview - Tony

Main Character Interview

This is another brief interview with another character who will be featured in the opening two minutes of our film. Tony's role of the film is to play the leading detective, although he has little prevalence in the opening two minutes, if we were to make more of the film, he would become more of a main character. We chose Tony to be our leading investigator due to his background in reality, he has previously been a high ranked police officer, experiencing real-life situations like the one our film is based upon. This would help make his character more effective because he would understand the plot, and able to give us guidance into making it as realistic as possible. Although he comes across very hesitant and relaxed in the interview, I know he will be successful because he has seen plenty of films, Taken being one of his favourites, where he knows how they work. Tony is a very serious and straight to the point man, who will be able to crack on with the filming straight away without any distractions. Despite the large age gap, it is useful having an older adult part of the crew because it gives us a wider range of ideas and he has the benefit of time. We hope Tony will be able to work effectively with us and aid us in the creation of our opening two minutes.

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