Wednesday 13 November 2013

Planning and Research - Questionnare Response

Target Audience Response

This questionnaire was designed as part of our research and planning in order to help us see what people like and dislike about films. We asked 5 boys and 5 girls but asked them to answer the questionnaire on 2 different pieces of paper, so we could analyse the difference between a male and female audience. We asked boys and girls between the ages of 16 and 17 as it was convenient for us, being at school. Although this age group was part of our target audience, looking back we have realised wasn’t a great idea because the age range wasn't large enough, considering the target audience was bettween the ages of 15-24. Another problem with our questionnaire is the use of ‘other’ which was given as an option. This meant that many of our responses weren't very specific, limiting the amount of knowlegde we gained from the responses.

From some of the answers we have received we can tell that the female audience is much more varied for example Question 1 and 7had rather mixed asnwers, showing that females like more of a variety of film genres compared to the male audience, which is a generic stereotype. Females are more likely to become fans of certain actors, normally men because they are attracted to them, and this is demonstrated in our answers from Question 4 were 20% of our participants said they think actors are the most important aspect of a film, whereas this didn’t occur in our answers with the male participants - they mainly thought the plot was the most important part. Again the female participants had more of mixed response in Question 3 compared to the male participants; this shows that they take less of an interest in the wider apects of films, such as the location, which also backs up my theory that women like a larger variety of film genres. This is probably due to males and females having different interests which are shown in question 6.

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