Saturday 16 November 2013

Plot Cinematography

Cinematography of our protagonist returning home

In the scenes of our protagonist returning home:

  • Extreme close up
  • Close up
  • Over the shoulder shot
  • Mid shot

There are not many shots we will be using in this scene because it is only a brief glimpse of our protagonist returning home, however it is a vital scene because the audience will become aware that the protagonist will be returning home while the antagonist is snooping around upstairs. The close up shots are ideal because the audience have now got to know the protagonist so it would not seem so random to use extreme close ups without displaying any facial features because the audience would be able to recognise that it is the protagonist. An over the shoulder shot would help add to the suspense as the audience will be able to see where the protagonist is going, displaying a point of view shot, allowing them to engage.

Shots we will not be using:

  • Long shot
  • Tracking shot
  • Low angle

We will not be using a high angle shot because that would result in the protagonist being displayed as the powerful and dominant character, where as our plot is the reverse of this and a high angle shot would be more relevant. A tracking shot will increase the length of the shot which, in our case, is not affordable due to a limit of time.

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