Saturday 16 November 2013

Protagonist Costume Research

 Protagonist Costume Ideas

The type of costume you choose for a character is very important because it can help the audience to get to know the character, for example their class, where they live, age or even gender as well as enforcing both realism and continuity, which is an important feature for us. The choice of costume we have picked I think represents our character and the conventions that go with her.
Lily, the protagonist, is the first character which the audience are introduced to; this is when she is just about to go on a run. Through the use of her appearance we aim to try and follow the stereotypical conventions of a young female victim, helping to stick to the stereotypes which seem to have been successful in the past, as well as make the film clear and easy to follow for the audience. Stereo-typically victims in these types of genres have blonde hair which connotes to the typical dumb blonde association. We hope that this will suggest to the audience that the character is unaware of the dangers that surround her, helping to build tension and create a sense of dramatic irony as the audience knows what will happen before the character does. From our research, we have decided to put Christie is well known, branded running clothes with a feminine edge. Her expensive clothing provides reasoning behind the unneeded attention she receives, again emphasising how the character  is oblivious to the dangers around her, which in this case does become a problem when she is abducted. The costume is very uniformed and smart which also helps the audience to understand that Lily is from a higher class, which could also be another reason behind the antagonist's attack due to  jealousy.
The trainers that Christie, our actress, is going to wear have clearly been used a lot this makes it more realistic and shows that she goes on runs regularly, suggesting that the crime committed has been pre-meditated. The trainers we are using are from Nike, this is an expensive sports brand which again enforces her higher class background where they can spend a lot of money on small thing like trainers.

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