Thursday 3 October 2013

Looper Opening Scene Analysis

Looper Opening Scene Analysis

The film starts by introducing the titles against a black background. The lettering is in a large, harsh, white font which immediately suggests the genre of the film as it produces dark and dangerous connotations. Right from the beginning, the film is effective at fulfilling its action/sci-fi/thriller genre as the audience are not allowed to be left at ease. This keeps the viewers on the edge of their seats and draws their attention in, making them not want to miss anything. While the titles are playing, the haunting sound of night time is playing in the background - shown by the sound of crickets and the wind. This sets the location and suggests it is not a safe environment making the film exciting and suggesting it will be action packed. The use of the titles introduces the film to the audience but also shows that two well known companies 'Endgame Entertainment' and 'DMG Entertainment' represent the film, suggesting it is a worthwhile viewing. 

The audience are briefly introduced to an old fashion watch in the first shot. This shot is a close up, suggesting the watch will have a significant importance throughout the film. In the background, the sound of a watch quickly ticking is played which suggests to the audience, there is some sort of time restriction. The fast paced editing again enforces this idea as it suggests that time is running out and so things need to move quickly, a typical technique used in action films, making the audience intrigued as to what is going to happen.
The camera suddenly switches to a close up shot of a character. As this is the first character we are introduced to, and it is a close up shot, the audience are led to believe that this will be a main character. Different camera techniques are used to build suspense, such as when the camera pans around him. This moves around the character showing his emotionless expression suggesting whatever he is doing, he has done before. This is effective as it allows a climax to be built, causing immense shock as the following scene unfolds. An enigma is created as the character is attempting to learn French. This is intriguing as it suggests he may have some new business in France, but could also show that he is determined and unwilling to let anything defeat him. This is effective as it successfully builds a dramatic climax due to many questions being left unanswered.

The camera constantly changes in the build up towards the cliff-hanger. The camera zooms out, moving from a mid shot to a long shot allowing the full extent of the background to be seen. This reveals that the character is in the middle of nowhere, making the audience feel uncomfortable. Dark, unforgiving colours are used to emphasise the lack of life around, exaggerating the abnormality of the situation. The white tarpaulin also adds to the suspense as it too, produces morbid connotations, suggesting something sinister is yet to come. The clothing is effective as the character is dressed in black suggesting he is there for a specific purpose, but still implying it is very secretive.

The opening scene to this film is unconventional as it gives nothing away. No characters are formally introduced and the film moves off this subject quickly, creating a dramatic climax that the audience are constantly drawn in to. The imploding sound of the gun is a shocking contrast to the prior sounds of the outdoors, surprising the audience and making them jump. The character is so casual about the situation which causes the audience to hold an immediate disliking to him. This is another aspect of the film which excites the audience as it allows them to create opinions and get involved themselves. It is significant that he drops his weapon as it shows he now needs two hands to 'finish off the job' again making the audience very wary but still managing to create an outstanding silence as the tension reaches a climax. This introduction to the film is very successful as it effectively manages to grasp the audience's full attention without giving anything away, which would produce a chilling atmosphere in somewhere such as a cinema. 

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