Friday 18 October 2013

Possible genres

Possible genres for our own opening two minutes

      Sci-fiSci-fi films revolve around special effects and the technology and resources needed to create these in a realistic manner are unavailable to us. Sci-fi films are also extremely expensive to make and require a large amount of time and effort in order to successfully create something that is interesting to watch. For our group, we do not think this type of genre suits us and the access to resources we have as we want to make a well made, professional looking film, and I think that the type of special effects we would be able to use would just make it look cheap and amateur-ish.
        Action/AdventureAction/Adventure is easily re-creatable on a low budget which means it could be an option for us. These types of films consist of faced paced editing, exotic locations and some type of quest or mission usually partaking in a fight or battle. Although not all of this would be possible for us, with there being an extent to how ‘exotic’ our location can be, I think that action or adventure is definitely a genre to consider as I think we could produce as well made, interesting and appealing film with what we have.
    CrimeAgain crime is another genre that could be an option to us. It requires a low budget which is a main aspect for us, and is re-creatable in environments that we have access to. It is also a genre that we as a group are particularly interested and enjoy, which means we have lots of ideas for the plot and would find it interesting and enjoyable to make.
   FantasyThe fantasy genre is not really an option for us as it is too expensive and something we are uninterested in. We also this it would be a bad genre to pick for our opening two minutes as little would happen, making it difficult to create a plot which would entice or interest and audience, as well as film well which is a priority for us.
  HorrorHorror is an option as again it is re-creatable on a low budget, however it may not be the best option for us because this genre is very ineffective unless make properly. Horror’s focus on the scare factor and for a group of teenage girls on a low budget, the scare factor may be difficult to create well which means it may just come across as amateur-ish and badly made. A good plot would be easy to make as often a lot of action takes place at the beginning of this kind of genre which is something appealing to us as it would be easy to film.
   Supernatural The supernatural genre doesn’t really appeal to us as it is something we do not know enough about, meaning we would need to do a lot of extra research before being able to start thinking about the plot. It would also be expensive and require a lot of technology unavailable to us.
  AnimationAnimation requires a certain set of skills which we as a group do not have. With the budget we have it would be almost impossible to create a successful animated opening scene and it is not a genre we are interested in or know enough about. In my opinion it would be very difficult to make an animated opening scene as very often little happens in the first two minutes, meaning it would take a lot of work and the outcome would not be very interesting or beneficial to any of us.
  SportSport would be quite an easy genre to do as it would revolve around one main theme, however it would be difficult to make interesting without the use of famous actors/actresses which are unavailable to us. It may also turn out to be more of a documentary style which would be easy, but not something we are particularly interested in.
  WesternA western would be impossible for us due to the lack of money, actors/actresses, props and location.
  Drama A drama is something we have been thinking about as it would provide opportunity for us to display our knowledge and show our ability with the different uses of camera techniques. It would be quite easy to think of an interesting plot, and would be creatable with what materials are available to us.
    MusicalA musical is not an option for us as the involve actors which can sing and we do not have any of these. It would also be far too much work to have to script original and songs and we would not have to money for all the music or time for all the necessary rehearsals.
   RomanceRomance is a possibility, however it would be hard to create an opening that was interesting in two minutes. We would need good actors/actresses but it may turn out to be too difficult and end up becoming too cringey. In my opinion, it would be quite difficult to come up with an original, interesting plot and be able to include enough camera and editing techniques.
      ThrillerA thriller is a genre which appeals to us as we think it would be easy to re-create effectively. We have many opportunities around us which enable us to find suitable locations which would effectively build tension and engage the audience. It would be difficult to create an interesting plot which we would be able to make professional, however it is an option for us and is something we will think about.

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