Friday 4 October 2013

Practice Filming and Editing

Practice Filming and Editing

This is the first film we have made in order to get to know the camera. By doing this, we learnt about the different types of shots and how to film them. Our task was to film 3 different scenarios around the school using the question “What are you doing?” We did this by filming lots of different short clips and then editing them together in order to help develop our skills and get to know the software.
In this short clip we started by using a long shot, however we didn’t really change the type of shot, Charlotte just got closer to the camera. As it was  so short it didn't really matter, however we learnt that if it was any longer, we need to use a range of different types of shot otherwise it would get boring. We zoomed in significantly to have a close up of her finger on the buzzer, making it clear what she was doing. In retrospect, it would have been better to film this all in one shot, or have filmed it with longer clips more than once in order to avoid the unnecessary jumpy cut as we'd be able to cut it down allowing continuity . A point of view shot is also shown, allowing the audience to see what is happening as Charlotte is walking towards them. Looking back at this, we should have filmed in twice and then edited it together as Charlotte disappears from the shot, so it is unclear where she came from. When editing this, we learnt how to cut, render and add titles which will be helpful for our future film making.

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